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Table Top

About Table Top

Surrounded by steeply rising flat-top mesas, ridges, lava flows, wide canyons, and mesquite-and ironwood-lined washes, the Table Top Wilderness covers an area of 34,400 acres in western Pinal County. The highest peak in this region is Table Top Mountain, standing at 4,373 ft with a flat-topped summit that serves as a recognizable landmark from both Phoenix and Casa Grande.

Solitude awaits those who venture into the wilderness, whether they are hikers, backpackers, or horseback riders. At the southwest corner of the wilderness, the trailhead for the Table Top Trail can be found, which spans four miles and leads to the summit of Table Top. It should be noted that equestrian use is not recommended due to the steep conditions of this trail. From the peak, one can enjoy a breathtaking view encompassing mountain ranges and desert plains. The summit of Table Top boasts an interesting 40-acre island of desert grassland, while the southwest side is adorned with dense saguaro forests. The Lava Flow Trail offers a winding path for those exploring the lowlands of the wilderness area. Wildlife enthusiasts will be pleased to encounter a variety of creatures such as desert bighorn sheep, coyotes, quails, javelinas, giant spotted whiptail lizards, Ajo Mountain whip snakes, as well as numerous birds, reptiles, and raptors.

Table Top

What to do at Table Top

In Table Top Wilderness, it is important to stay on designated routes when using motorized or mechanized vehicles, including bicycles. It is advisable to bring your water as there is no drinking water available. Remember that cellular phones may not work in certain areas of the national monument. There have been instances of drug and human smuggling activities south of Interstate 8 within the monument. If you witness any suspicious or illegal activity, it is recommended that you refrain from intervening and instead contact the appropriate authorities, such as the BLM Federal Law Enforcement Communications Center, County Sheriff, or Border Patrol. In case of emergencies, dial 911. The summer temperatures in this area can rise to 115 degrees, so wearing protective gear such as a hat, long-sleeve shirt, sunglasses, and sunscreen is advised. Additionally, it is important to stay cautious of rattlesnakes and scorpions by avoiding putting your hands or feet in brush or under rocks and boulders. Arizona’s landscape is dotted with abandoned mine shafts, which pose a danger. These shafts are often deep vertical holes with no way out, so it is crucial to stay away from them and avoid entering. Lastly, it is important to note that fires are prohibited in Table Top Wilderness.

Using motorized equipment and mechanical transport is generally prohibited on federal lands designated Table Top wilderness. This prohibition applies to motor vehicles, OHVs, motorboats, bicycles, hang gliders, wagons, carts, portage wheels, and aircraft, including helicopters. For more information on regulations, it is recommended to contact the relevant agency. Regarding road conditions in the Table Top wilderness, they can vary and may require high-clearance and four-wheel-drive vehicles. These roads are primitive and not regularly maintained. To ensure a safe trip, it is advised to have a full tank of gas, full-size spare tires, a vehicle tool kit, and a first aid kit. It is important to note that the main access routes and washes are susceptible to heavy seasonal rains and flash floods. It is crucial to avoid crossing streams or washes that are experiencing flooding.

Table Top

One local company in Toowoomba that is involved with this tourist attraction site is:

Website: Toowoomba Cleaners

Address: 14 Bamboo Ct, Darling Heights, QLD 4350

Phone: (07) 4580 2876

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